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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
cartoon of woman chef 32
chef's special +chef 30
cl CURRY LEAF +plant & chef 42
cook MASTER +chef 11
cook-up a feast +chef's hat 29, 30
cookie MAN +chef & spoon 30
delite +chef 31
egg STATION +chef & ovals 30
expert POS +chef's hat 9
expert cook +chef 30
fast food MANIA +chef 30
food KING +chef & triangle 29
food plaza 24 CARAT +chef 43
full fresh +chef & bowl 29
chef 30
golden biscuits +chef 30
great chef 29
h HARIKRUPA +chef 30
head MASTER +chef & plants 30
home bread +chef & ovals 30
hotel EMPIRE +chef 16
indore GOLD +chef 30
instant cook +chef's hat 11
king master no.1 +chef 30
kitchen special +chef 30
kulcha LAND +chef 42
kwality's +cartoon of chef 29
kwality's KWALI VIN +chef 30
kwality's glucos +chef 30
kwality's try-it +chef 30
lazeez +chef 30
little MASTER +chef & plant 30
lucknowi chat +chef 30
maram's uttam brand +chef 30
marc brown +chef's hat 29
master chef YAN PRESENTS 30
meal wala's +chef & square 43
meethash +chef 30
natural DIAMOND +chef 30
chef 30
new delhi bakery +chef 30
nice MOMENTS +chef & circle 42
om JI om caterers +chef 29, 30, 43
party PLANNERS +chef & star 42
pasand SPECIAL BREAD +chef 30
pick & mix ice creams +chef 43
pizza PAN +chef 30
pj PAPA-JI +chef 30
pm TAAZA +chef 16
popular +chef 30
popular +chef & circles 30
pravin chinese +chef square 43
prime chef's choice +chef 30
prime chef's choice +chef 30
quality CHEF +chef 31
quality METRO +chef's hat 9, 30
quick FOODS +chef & circle 29
r REGALE +chef 30, 31, 33
rasoi KING +chef 29
royal CHEF BRAND +chef hear 29
royal CHEF brand +chef 31
s SATKAR +chef 30
s SILVER STAR +chef 30
s.s.i. BRAK +chef 21
san's SIZZLERS +chef & oval 30
sarvottam +chef 29
sauji +chef 43
scc TIP-TOP +chef & oval 30
sectors & chef 42
shanky's TIP-TOP +chef oval 30
soup TO dessert.COM +chef 43
super CHEF cheese +chef 29
swad GOLD cooking oil +chef 29
swad UTSAV +chef 16
swadist +chef 29
the CHEF +chef 29
the food people +chef's hat 43
tinkle KE NAMKEEN +chef 30
ttk FOODS +chef 30
ultimate taste ssp +chef 30
wonder chef +spiral 30, 32, 35, 41
BAWARCHI +face of cheff 30
SMART cheff +chef 30
TACKERS OUTDOORS +cheff 12, 16
chefs 30
chefs @ WORK 42
chefs hat & stars 9, 16, 25
AT'S kitchen cook +chefs ha 11
BAKERS & CHEFS +chefs 8, 20, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32
BALA'S +chefs hat 30
BALFOUR'S +chefs hat 30
BAVAN +chefs hat 29
BC BAKERS COTTAGE +chefs ha 30
BEST +chefs 30
BLACK WHITE +chefs 2, 30
BLUE TEAM +chefs 16, 29, 30, 31, 32
CHEFMASTER +chefs hat 11
HAVMOR +chefs hat 42
HELPING HAND +chefs hat 30
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